PEI Agriculture Awareness Committee as formed in 1992, this committee has brought together volunteers from industry, agri-food businesses and government to develop educational and promotional materials and deliver events that improve agriculture awareness in PEI. In January 2013, the committee joined the PEI Agriculture Sector council as a sub-committee in an effort to pool resources and build on each others' strengths.
The PEIAAC goals are to raise public awareness of the significant contribution that the agriculture sector makes to the provincial economy and to rural communities; to foster fair and informed dialogue within and outside the sector regarding issues and concerns in agriculture; to raise awareness of the PEIAgSC and the PEIAAC as a vehicle for industry partners and government to develop and use resources to foster agriculture awareness in the province; and to develop partnerships with industry to generate increased and sustained funding for agriculture awareness.
The PEIAAC goals are to raise public awareness of the significant contribution that the agriculture sector makes to the provincial economy and to rural communities; to foster fair and informed dialogue within and outside the sector regarding issues and concerns in agriculture; to raise awareness of the PEIAgSC and the PEIAAC as a vehicle for industry partners and government to develop and use resources to foster agriculture awareness in the province; and to develop partnerships with industry to generate increased and sustained funding for agriculture awareness.